
Hotel Boutique

38 products

Showing 1 - 36 of 38 products
Moderne Carrera product image showing the white mosaic with reflective glass piecesModerne Carrera lifestyle image showing the mosaic being used as a statement wall behind a bath in the bathroom
Glimmer Self-Adhesive mosaic tile product image showing the glittery Disco mosaicGlimmer Self-Adhesive mosaic being used to zone an area behind a sink
Shoreditch Mosaic TileShoreditch Mosaic Tile
Quartz LinearQuartz Linear White
Gatsby Mosaic TileGatsby Mosaic Tile
Mono Fan product shot showing the lily-pad design on square format mosaic chips. A monochromatic colour scheme with contrasting line designMono Fan lifestlye image showing the monochromatic mosaic being used behind a kitchen island
Dreamscape mosaic product shot showing the monochromatic colour scheme with glitter pieces in square formatDreamscape mosaic tile being used as a splashback behind a bathroom sink showing the monochromatic mosaic with glitter pieces
The Vienna Luxe mosaic, showing the small square diamante effect pieces in a white and grey marble effectVienna Luxe mosaic lifestyle image being used in a bathroom as a feature wall behind the sink. Also features a mirror on the wall.
Paris Large Mosaic Product ImageParis Large Mosaic being used as a splashback
Self-Adhesive mosaic tile Hammersmith showing the hammered effect glass pieces and metal piecesHammersmith self-adhesive mosaic tile being used as a splashback in a kitchen behind a hob
Cannes Bronze mosaic tile sheet showing the antique effect mirror glass pieces.Cannes Bronze mosaic tile sheet lifestyle image showing the mosaic tile being used in a bathroom as a feature wall behind a sink
Deluxe Greystone Mosaic tile product imageDeluxe Greystone Mosaic tile lifestyle image showing the mosaic in a zoned wall section in the bathroom
Foil backed glass pieces with pops of metal rose gold pieces in brick formationRose Gold Elysee Mosaic Tile
Deluxe Inkwell Mosaic Tile product imageDeluxe Inkwell Mosaic tile lifestyle image showing the mosaic tile in a zoned area of the wall in the bathroom
Monte Carlo White Luxe mosaic tile sheet showing the trapezium shaped marble effect mosaic pieces with gold brass Monte Carlo White Luxe mosaic tile sheet lifestyle image showing the mosaic being used in a bathroom as a feature wall.
Elysee Ice Mosaic glass tile product image, showing the mix of brushed aluminium, textured glass and frosted glass in a linear, rectangular patternElysee Ice lifetstyle image showing the mosaic being used as a splashback in a kitchen
Elysee Ice
A twist on the classic monochromatic colour scheme. Shimmer Nights features reflected foil backing to add the shineLifestyle image of Shimmer Nights being used as a feature wall in a bathroom
Deluxe Pearl Grey Mosaic tile in grey product imageDeluxe Pearl Grey Mosaic tile sheet lifestyle image show in zoned area of the wall in a bathroom
Kensington Mosaic TileKensington mosaic lifestyle showing the mosaic being used on the wall to zone the area behind the bath
The Stargazer Teal mosaic tile, with a metallic blue base that sparkles in the light. Features mirrored edging to each chip, and is square in format.The Stargazer Teal mosaic being used to create a zoned area in the bathroom. The blue mosaic features behind two sinks and mirrors.
Cannes Silver mosaic tile sheet product image showing the silver antique mirror effect and linear mosaic piecesCannes Silver mosaic tile being used within a zoned area of a bathroom wall which holds bathroom accessories such as a candle
Venice Black Luxe mosaic tile sheet product image showing Black Marquina tile and reflective glass piecesThe Venice Black Mosaic being used in a kitchen as a splashback behind the sink, and creating a zoned area.
The Stargazer Grey mosaic showing the metallic grey base colour, and mirrored edging to give the mosaic depth.The Stargazer Grey Mosaic being used as a zoning area in a bathroom. This zoned area is cut back into the wall to create a shelf above the bath.
Monte Carlo Black Luxe mosaic showing the trapezium marble shaped pieces, and the brass effect pieces that complement them.Monte Carlo Black Luxe mosaic tile sheet lifestyle image showing the mosaic being used in a bathroom for a feature wall.
Hexia Blush mosaic tile with Calacatta effect marble pieces, accented by grey pieces, and a pop of blush pink makes up this geometric cube inspired patternHexia Blush mosaic tile lifestyle image showing the mosaics being used in a zoned wall area in the bathroom behind the bath, with larger grey format tiles on the wall
Allana Chevron Mosaic TileAllana Chevron Mosaic Tile
Quartz Linear BlackQuartz Linear Black
Venice white luxe mosaic tile sheet with white marbled and glass reflective piecesVenice white luxe mosaic marble tile lifestyle image being used in a kitchen
Opulence Porcelain - Grey RippleOpulence Porcelain - Grey Ripple
Opulence Porcelain - Black RippleOpulence Porcelain - Black Ripple
Hexagonia White Mosaic TileHexagonia White Mosaic Tile
Geo Grey Hex Mosaic TileGeo Grey Hex Mosaic Tile