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Redesigning a utility room with Jewel White Self-Adhesive Tiles!
We know that Friday feeling all too well! It’s the end of a rainy week, school uniforms are slung over radiators and bedroom floors, just as the un...

We're going back to nature in 2023 with these tile trends...
It’s a brand-new year and with that comes brand new tile trends! We’ve considered many different areas of tiles including shape, material, colour a...

A Guide On How To Install A Mosaic Splashback
Mosaic tiles have become an increasingly popular addition to kitchens and bathrooms across the UK in the form of splashbacks. They are perfect as a...

What To Consider When Choosing Wet-Room Tiles..
When it comes to choosing suitable tiles for your wet room, you'll be faced with countless options in a variety of colours, patterns, styles and fi...

How To Choose The Correct Grout For Your Mosaics!
Whilst many see grout as just a practical part of the tiling process, it is an integral piece of the overall design and can enhance the look of you...

Are Mosaic Tiles Practical For Wet Room Floors?
Mosaic Tiles are an ideal choice in any home, noted for their durability, longevity, and aesthetic appeal, but are they practical for wet room floo...

How To Remove Self-Adhesive Tiles
Our tastes change over time, just as our homes must face inevitable wear and tear.
Even things we once admired we might decide we want to replace, ...

How Are Mosaics Made?
Brief History of Mosaic Tiles
Mosaic tiles have a long and illustrious history, dating back to the second half of the 3rd millennium BC in Ancient ...

How to Apply Self-Adhesive Wall Tiles
If you want to know how to lay self-adhesive wall tiles, you need to prepare everything properly to ensure you get the best results.
The peel-and-s...

How To Grout Mosaic Tiles
How to Grout Mosaic Tiles
You need to know how to grout mosaic tiles if you’re going to benefit from the huge decorative and practical potential th...

Are Mosaic Tiles Out of Fashion?
Mosaics date back a long, long time, but they’re such a versatile and vivid decorative form that they remain as relevant today as they ever were.

Why You Should Consider Mosaic Tilles For Your Hallway!
Why Choose Mosaic Tiles for Your Hall?
Mosaic hall tiles offer decisive ways of making your hallway a distinctive, decorative showpiece.The hall is...